A first aid kit is important for a broad variety of unforeseen situations. It provides immediate care and solutions in both emergency and minor circumstances. Dentists also need a “first aid kit” for root and pulp emergencies. NeoMTA Plus®, created by Avalon Biomed Inc. (Bradenton, FL), is a “first aid kit” specifically for general dentists for pulp capping and perforations. NeoMTA Plus is the ideal kit to have on hand because it is a bioactive bioceramic that is easy to handle and cost effective. The bioactive tricalcium silicate powder in NeoMTA Plus will induce the precipitation of hydroxyapatite, which allows the healing process of the tooth to occur. When working with perforations, NeoMTA Plus will seal the communication to the periradicular tissue, preventing bacteria from causing further damage. In any emergency circumstance, your first aid kit should be easy to use and not cause complications. The NeoMTA Plus “first aid” root and pulp material kit was designed to bring ease to emergency procedures. The NeoMTA powder comes in a desiccant-lined bottle to protect the fine powder from hydration and is paired with a 0.1 gm scoop for easy dispensing. The MTA Plus gel to mix with the powder is packaged in a squeezable bottle to control the amount used based on need, and make the procedure easy and economical. Avalon Biomed is strongly dedicated to improving oral health worldwide, and we continue to strive to equip general dentists with the most effective and affordable materials to support the best care. NeoMTA Plus provides easy and affordable care for all ages of patients, various emergency procedures, and other indications.